How do Solar Panels work?

Solar panels have photovoltaic cells in them, these help to absorb sunlight generating a direct
current (DC). Invertor technology is used to convert the DC current into alternating current AC,
which can then be distributed through the home from the properties electrical panel. This energy is
then used to power things in the home such as lights, TV, microwave, etc.

Benefits of Solar Panels

The main benefit of solar panels is that they provide free electricity. This means you can power your
home for free! Excess energy produced can also be sent back to the National Grid, meaning you can
be paid for having Solar Panels!
Solar generated electricity is much better for the environment than electricity generated by burning
fossil fuels. This helps keeps the planet cool protecting our future generations, as well as the current
wildlife we live with.
Solar Panels can also be paired with battery storage. This means that energy generated while the
sun is out can be used once it is gone, such as during the night. If these batteries have a back-up
function, you are effectively protected from a power outage. Solar Panels cost very little to install,
compared to the benefits they generate, and require very little maintenance.
This means once they are installed you just sit back and save money!

Funding for Solar Panels

Most people are unable to afford the installation costs associated with Solar PV Panels and are
therefore unable to experience the benefits they provide.
However, The ECO4 grant scheme provides funding for low-income households to pay for energy
efficiency measures, this includes Solar.

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