Solar PV

What is it?
Solar PV are photovoltaic panels that are fixed to the roof. Solar PV allows homeowners to power their homes using a renewable energy source provided by sunlight. 

PV cells, also known as Solar cells, are made of semiconductor materials like silicon. These absorb photons of light and release electrons, which creates a flow of electricity. This electricity can then be used directly in your home, stored in a battery, or fed back into the grid for which you may receive payment if set up to do so. 

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What is Solar PV?

How does it work?

  • PV cells absorb photons from sunlight and release electrons creating an energy current
  • An inverter converts the DC (direct current) into AC (alternating current) 
  • It can then be used to power your home or be sent back into the grid

Why do it?

  • Solar PV protects your home against any rising energy costs, as your home produces its own energy
  • Lower energy bills are ensured, as the energy you use is harnessed from sunlight
  • Generating your own electricity also means that paired with a battery storage system you could even be completely self-sufficient. You can even sell any excess energy back to the National Grid
  • Having solar panels on your property increases your home’s value!

What properties can this be carried out on?

Solar PV can be easily installed on any home providing it is not in a conservation area or is a listed building. In this case you may need planning permission from your local council.

  • The amount of energy generated depends on the size of the system, the intensity of the sunlight and the angle at which it strikes the roof
  • Unshaded south facing roofs are the most effective as shade negatively impacts the systems performance
  • South facing roofs are recommended as they receive the most sunlight throughout the day
  • East and West facing roofs can be considered, however they on average produce 15-20% less energy than directly south facing roofs
  • North facing roof are not recommended
  • Optimisers can be used to reduce the impact of shading on roofs with shading problems, they will not improve generation on unshaded roofs but do offer better monitoring
  • The size of the roof will effect the system size that can be installed on it, a typical system is 3.5kwp, which in general needs 20m² of roof area

What is the cost to install?

Styles and size of the property can affect the cost of Solar PV, as well as the type and size of the system that will need to be installed. Our installers will be able to provide you with a detailed quotation and in some cases the cost can be partially or completely covered by grant funding.