Example Energy Performance Report page

The EPC+ tier provides you an EPC as well as an Energy Performance Report for your property.  An Energy Performance Report (EPR) shows you the data inputs and carbon costings as an individual report to go alongside your EPC.

Your EPC will be lodged to the centralized EPC register. This information can be viewed by any memebr of the public simply by typing in the postcode to the EPC register. An EPC is a legal requirement when selling or renting a property. For more information on EPC ‘s head over to our EPC’s page

The Energy performance report will help you understand the carbon emissions that are created by your property as well as showing you the direct figures of how much energy is used to heat your property. Surounding is images of example energy efficiency reports so you can see what they look like.

The price for this product is £89

If you are interested please click the button below which will take you to a form for you to fill in

Example Energy Performance Report page
Example Energy Performance Report page
ECMK Accredited
Elmhurst Energy Accredited
EDF Energy